Short Fiction Stories of David A. Archer

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Location: Currently Boston, Planet Earth

I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

OUT ONLY IN - Short fiction




A Short Fiction


David A. Archer


I figured it out, you know. Some time ago I think, but only happened on the opportunity to explore it in a real sense, recently. This, even after some years of trying to no avail as a child, then some years of no longer even giving it a thought.

As I strolled along some time ago now, perhaps a year as it is seen, it finally dawned on me as to why- when a child - I never quite managed to dig my way “clean through to China” in the many endeavors of such activities I began….but obviously never finished.

It just isn’t possible! And those that still claim it is, simply haven’t made certain and very basic realizations that I seem to have, and will seek to divulge here in.

You see, I’ve even discovered why it just isn’t possible. No, it isn’t because it is too far. It isn’t because there is supposedly some blob of molten stuff between the two prospective points, somewhere in the middle. It isn’t because there aren’t any shovels or other instruments big enough to do the job or children (and other types of people) willing to try.

Quite simply put, it is very much because the “middle” isn’t where everyone seems to think it is.

I walked along some time ago as this finally came to mind in crystal clear sense, and then began the chore of seeking out some particulars for myself. This just in the effort to better seat the radical change I had discovered, within my own understanding.

Without challenging you to understand all of the complicated scientific like stuff that I have waded through in this task, I will again only state the obvious; “Out” is really only “In” so to speak.

As it is in modern understanding, many now believe that our “planet” revolves around a center point we call the “sun”…. and beyond that are many vast spaces and configurations of other articles in motion, which comprise what we call our “universe.”

This is a great fallacy and a really mean trick to play on all of the kids in the world still trying to dig their way to China.

I count myself no longer a fool in those numbers of people still not knowing that they were actually digging away from anything we as humans even can imagine…. Especially away from that which we have examined and viewed.

Quite factually, I have discovered that China isn’t “under” us, or “through the planet” on the other side of us. It is very much only kind of across from us so to speak. “Across” a not so vast expanse of area which most of us know as “space.”

You see…. “up,” that is to say, “Out” as we see it, is really only “in.” And it is only “in” until you are half way “across.” Then it becomes “down” again.

I have discovered some things that I really feel would be more trouble than it would be worth to bring to light within the scientific communities, mostly because I do not want to deal with small minded arguments and egocentric posturing simply for the recognition, so I do hope that you will keep this all to yourself to some degree.

Firstly I should explain that our complicated explanations for and of “gravity” are really just mumbo jumbo invented to make some people look important. It is very much as it seems topically as can be demonstrated in spinning any common item that can be spun to demonstrate such. For instance, if you use a regular old balloon… you blow it up and then look at it. You can then easily see what it is that I am talking about.

Our planet isn’t round… at least not in the way that we all think. It doesn’t travel around a central point in what we think is space. And, sadly enough as it were, it isn’t the center of the universe as was once thought, either.

It is round in a way like the balloon you could be looking at right now…. And even round like any other inflatable sports ball. The difference being is understanding and perspective pertaining to the configuration of the “round” part and how exactly it actually figures into the bigger picture, as it were.

If you are looking at a balloon or sports ball, simply stop imagining that if it were a “planet,” that we somehow manage to keep ourselves stuck to the outside of it while it spins. Simply make the realization that we exist, as does all else within our knowledge, on the inside of the balloon or sports ball.

Yes, the “Earth” is round, but not in the “walking on the outside of it way.” It is round in the “walking on the inside of it way.”

Everything else that we know of as “space” and the like, is simply incredibly small, and it is limited in distance though far enough that we can’t see to the other side of the expanse between where you are and the other side of the “planet.”

You may immediately ask many of what you think are sound physical and pertinent questions, one of which being that such would not be possible because things like the sun and moon are always the same size and move through the sky. How could they do so while being contained within… up, as it were, from us, in a contained area?

Well that is an easy one….. would be my response. The answer is simple. They don’t move in any way, and neither does anything else in “space” with such relations. Sure, there’s some stuff still bouncing around in there, but that is not of much import really. It is just important to know that none of what we think are large planets and stuff…. Aren’t really that big and they aren’t moving.

They are quite small…. Some even microscopic in fact, and the round thing that we walk on the inside of, is the reason they all look like they move when we look “up,” or “in” rather, at them.

I found this out while doing an experiment with a helium balloon which I attached a message to. I did this experiment after I started to realize the actual configuration of the space things and stuff.

I let the balloon fly “up” and toward and through what I hoped would be its path to the other side of the inside part of the round thing that we walk on the inside part of.

To make a long story short, I was correct in most everything I had realized about the mean joke played on kids thinking they are going to dig to China. The helium balloon went all of the way in and through to the other side.

What I found really interesting about this, was that I found there is a compression value in such “space travel.” That is the reason, though I’m no scientist, that I believe all of the other space type of things “out” there are so small. It is actually “in.” It is “in” in ways that are more than just “inward” in direction pertaining to “in.” Then of course, it is “out” in just as many ways pertaining to “out,” but only so far until you again find yourself on the “walking on the inside part of the round thing”…. Which as you know is called the ground.

I found further proof of these findings beyond the helium balloon experiment when I borrowed a really powerful telescope and began to snoop around some on my own.

The first thing I noticed was that the small things in the sky we call stars, are really pretty small and only look bigger in a telescope because no one ever looks at them next to anything they can compare them to.

I decided I was going to be the guy that did that. The guy that made the effort to look at them next to something else. So I did.

One night, on a very clear night and at a place I will not disclose. I set up the telescope and began my experiments.

I looked through the telescope and situated it on a “star.”

I then produced a very long stick with a glow in the dark antenna ball on the end of it, and placed it out in front of the telescope directly next to the supposedly distant star.

I found that I was correct when I extended the glow in the dark antenna ball. It appeared to be the very same size that it had before I extended the long stick, but now it was very near the same “distance” as was the “star.”

I know this because I looked in a book and then measured the stick to be the same length as was the published distance of the star, supposedly “away” from “Earth.” The fact is, measurement changes…more that it converts “shrinki-ness” and “distance” when in reference to “outer space” and then is documented as a given “distance.”

The “length” of measure isn’t necessarily the actual “distance” to the very small physical object that we see, being a “star” for instance. BUT, the measurement given compensates with the shrinking effect from here to there… so as the stick shrinks, it will shrink just right to be equal to the place where the very small “star” is.

In this finding I was especially pleased and further was glad that I had come prepared to find what I had suspected to be a truth. I then replaced the glow in the dark antenna ball with several large marshmallows, and commenced to enjoy several helpings of star roasted smores and crispy burnt marshmallows. The trick is in rotating the marshmallow so as to evenly brown it…especially when using a “distant” star because they are so small. It takes longer than next to a roaring campfire or even your stove. So just keep that in mind before you go trying it yourself.

I did another balloon experiment, but this time I watched it all the way through as far as I could, and again witnessed more which substantiated my discoveries thus far. It actually had to begin to “squish” through at one point. It, itself had to begin to get smaller as it squished and made that annoying squeaky balloon sound, then re-emerging within view as it began its “descent.”

Further in my investigations, I found myself enthralled with the idea of things such as the “North Pole” and then of course the “South Pole.”

“How could they fit in with all of these new realizations?” I thought to myself quite a bit.

I then made it a point to investigate and found that they are actually connected, but because of that compression aspect, I couldn’t personally make the journey all of the way through at first, but then I devised a contraption which I actually fitted to the “pole.”

This contraption acted to stabilize the atmospheric pressure while it “climbed” the pole in one direction and then descended in the other. Both in a very controlled and smooth fashion.

I call it the People, Space Pole Slider Thing and must admit that it has thus far performed rather efficiently. It is an aspect I would greatly appreciate some level of secrecy about so as to avoid heavy corporate combat with established amusement park companies. I can just see where they would love to exploit such for their own personal gain, and to tell you the truth, I don’t have the legal team with which to fend off such bullies…. And further I can see where allowing such a conversion to amusement park status, might be an ethical violation of universal proportions. Besides, before you knew it people would be lined up half way around the inside of the “walking on part of the round thing” we think is a “planet,” just to squirt over to the other side of the pole.

The more I think back on it, the more I am glad that I stopped digging for China when I did. Really, we can’t begin to imagine what would have happened if I managed to actually break through the shell of the outside part of the round thing we exist within. I might have got sucked out into something that might as well be anyone’s guess.

Further, I am now finding some harbored feelings toward my parents that I never knew existed before I made these realizations.

Let’s be factual about this.

What were they thinking in not only letting me try to dig my way to China, and thusly endangering me with the remote chance that I would be sucked out into something no one knows about, but even encouraging it?

Maybe I could file some sort of reckless endangerment suit? Maybe even some sort of emotional abuse type of thing within the knowledge of what I have recently discovered about their level of negligence? Malice, even?

It goes even beyond negligence!

They actually encouraged me in my childhood endeavors! What this means in the light of these new findings which I have discovered personally, is that they might have very well wanted me to dig so far that I would at least not come back, if it is that I managed not to get sucked out into whatever it is that is actually on the outside part of the inside part of where we exist.

You have to admit, that is just plain mean. Then, they never let me in on the fact that it isn’t possible for a child to dig all of the way to China.

I had to figure it out for myself some years after it was no longer of any interest, anyway.

I am so glad that I finally just lost interest in such play time activity.

Man! Think about that! My play time activities were actually partially designed for the possibility of my getting ejected off of the outside part of whatever is the outside part of the spinning round thing we all live in. It kind of makes me want to build a safe room or something, just for a sense of security to help me through those moments when thoughts about such designs make me feel far too alone and fragile.

How is it that society can be so reckless with its children?

How is it that society can allow such malicious intent as in arming a child with a shovel and actually encouraging such dangerous activity?

As an adult, I personally don’t like even the remote chance that some anonymous child somewhere might just compromise the safety of our atmosphere. Even though it is somewhat polluted and dangerous of itself these days.

The fact is, even that polluted atmosphere could be jeopardized in such a breach.

What if everything else got sucked out, too?

Is that risk worth the wicked little pleasurable thoughts going through a parents mind as they stand in the kitchen watching from a distance and quietly chanting; “DIG DIG DIG DIG?” Pumping their fists slowly and hoping secretly behind their caring façade that a huge puff of dust will rise, and a huge sucking sound will fill the general vicinity?

After making these discoveries, I really don’t think such risk is worth those small, yet probably delectable pleasures. This even in the face of not yet a parent.

I do admit that such risks might be tempting, simply in a sort of “turnabout” manner. And particularly given the near tonnage of dirt I moved for no reason as a child.

I recant that. Being that I had a pretty good reason, it was simply a reason which was not entirely what I thought it was.

So in that it is that I will surmise this initial effort to disclose some of my recent findings in offering some quaint and uncomplicated advice;

If it’s China that you are aiming to get to?

You’re better off on the slow boat by any means.

That is even and especially if you plan on digging your way there regardless of what you, your parents or even your very best friend seem to think momentarily.

Of course, you could always squeak through in a large helium balloon I suppose. As long as you don’t mind talking in that incredibly annoying voice pitch when you get there.


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